How would you describe your style? What inspires your illustrations?
My style of drawing is quite spontaneous. Drawing is a need I feel often, so I carry my sketchbook almost everywhere I go and even bring it to events. I sketch what I hear in a café or base a little story on some people or animals I meet on a trip to nature.
Other times, I don’t feel like creating anything at all, which makes it hard to complete an assignment, so I need to wait until inspiration or that last-minute panic kick in. Then I’ll either very roughly sketch something (I make very ugly quick sketches with a pencil for those purposes) or browse my sketchbook to find something old that I could use, and I redraw it digitally in Illustrator. Luckily enough, that happens quite frequently. I am often surprised to find illustrations that almost magically match the topic I am supposed to draw. In a way, I rediscover them, and feel like they make a lot of sense for the theme.
I gather inspiration on my outdoor hiking trips, walking from village to village, by the sea or the ocean, travelling and sitting in cafes or bars. My illustrations are influenced by female power, nature, love, good friends and other beings.
BIO/ Barbora is a freelance illustrator from Slovakia, currently based in Prague, Czech Republic.
She is inspired by nature, the sun, music, meditation, myths and adventures with friends. Her drawings often depict various creatures from her own imaginary mythology. Goddesses, demigods, mythical forest beings with ordinary human qualities. They perform in strangely familiar dreamy scenes full of symbols and decorative elements.
She perceives her own art as means of connecting people and as an instrument for giving joy to others
Artworks / Barbora Idesova @barboraidesova
Violet illustrations were made for HOST MAGAZINE: MARGARET ATWOOD
Big orange illustration were made for HOST MAGAZINE 7/2020 THEME: ORHAN PAMUK
Medieval illustrations were made for @pohronskahradnacesta