Skin like the silver light from the Telperion tree combined with the golden aura of his sister Laurelin. Here we are, elves slowly turning into humankind. After the dark ages the light ages will appear, they said, but now the times are even darker than their predecessors could ever imagine. Nature is no longer a priority, not even the beauty and healthy life of the living kind. Non-elves/non-humans stopped taking care of Earth and other realms above. They just care about themselves, selfish, consumed by the myth of eternal growth.

As the light is getting weaker, for the first time in the history of elven kind, we are getting sick. We are bitten by the poisonous Ungoliant sucking the last drops of our sanity. We are still looking glamorous, stunning, ready to rock the world but we grow weaker from one year to another. Hiding our scars and dry skin under layers of makeup, pretending the climate doesn’t change. Let’s plant some new trees. There are short legends of what happened in the past so we don’t let history repeat itself.
Sick elves exist, from now on.

The following text was partially referenced from TOLKIEN, J. R. R., Silmarillion
As the legend says, there were Two Trees of Valinor. Each Tree would give off light for seven hours, with the ends of their cycles overlapping so that at one hour of each “dawn” and “dusk” the soft gold and silver light would be given off together.

Telperion had leaves that were dark green on their upper side and silver on their bottom. His blossoms were white like that of a cherry tree and his silvery dew was collected as a source of water and light. Laurelin had young green foliage, similar to the colour of newly opened beech leaves, trimmed with gold, and her dew was likewise collected by the Vala of light Varda.

Countless numbers of days had passed by when dark angry Melkor enlisted the help of the giant spider-creature Ungoliant to destroy the Two Trees. Concealed in a cloud of darkness, Melkor struck each Tree and the insatiable Ungoliant devoured whatever life and light remained in them.
The high elves attempted a healing, but they succeeded only in reviving Telperion’s last flower (to become the Moon) and Laurelin’s last fruit (to become the Sun).

Lament for Evenstar (and the little star)
Ne minuial tôl lû | At starfade a time comes |
Am man darthon a linnon Nu galad hen fireb? | Why do I linger and sing Under this fading/mortal light? |
Eirien vi elenyr | There is a daisy among the elanor blossoms To me it is fair. There is a birch tree under the mallorn trees To me it is fair. There is a butterfly above the swan To me it is fair. A spark/small star follows Sirius To me it is fair. |
I laiss e-mallorn ernediaid. | The leaves of the mallorn are numberless One tiny leaf, one fading leaf Holds my eyes. When will it fall? |
I-‘îl gelair fîr. Si e gwanna Menel. Si gwannathon i amar Garel lass vi cammen. | The brilliant star is fading Now it departs the heavens Now I will depart the world Holding a leaf in my hand. |
Creative Director / Markéta Kosinová @__maarketa__
Photo / Samuel Alexander Petráš @samuel_alex__
Photo assistant / Adéla Zlámalová @zlamal_adela, Iurii Ladutko @iuriiladutko.raw,
Styling / Kateřina Hynková @khynko
Styling Assistant / Vítek Ehrenberger @qensis_
MUA / Nina Kirk @cheshirecat8
Hair / Dominik Dobeš @galla_vecer
Hair Assistant / Marie Hrachovcová @majahrachovcova
Models / Marek @marcpernici from ENTRO Models @entromodels,
Karolína Kučerová @karokuc, Lena @_bald_owl_
Video / Markéta Kosinová @__maarketa__
Produced by SWARM MAG @swarmmag
Text / Markéta Kosinová @__maarketa__
Poem “Lament for Evenstar” / Original poems, E. Brundige
Aleš Hnátek @aleshnatek
Pavol Dendis @dendis_official
Jan Smejkal @jan_smejkal
Karolína Ulrichová @kari.ul
Dry Milk of Virgin Mary @drymilkofvirginmary
Hana Polívková @hanapolivkova
Anna Rusínová @annnarusinova
Bohemia Gloves @bohemiagloves
Backdrops / Plátna Backdrops @platna_backdrops
Vases / Scent Roche @scent.roche