Jeroen Duijf converts experiences of what he sees and hears outside of his studio, like the discussions he has with friends in the pub, in what appears to be a fantasy world.

“Under the yellowish light of a lamp, the bar becomes the world; global problems are solved here. The next day the answers have faded, the issues discussed have become questions again. But the remnants resonate in the paintings of Jeroen Duijf, like fragments of one all-encompassing story that constantly changes meaning.” – Merel van den Nieuwenhof

As a kind of cross-over between explorer and pirate, Jeroen discovers the extremes of the art and his perceived world in his own way. He is averse to current traditions, even though he is familiar with them. The results are heroic and at the same time humorous paintings.

“Characters painted in his characteristic cartoony visual language return, brought together in ever different combinations. ‘It’s actually one big comic book,’ according to Jeroen. In his universe, a toy dinosaur radiates childlike innocence and fun, and a palm tree mirrors paradise to us. Like an ominous memento mori, a skull emerges between them, which, with a broad grin, points out the transience of life.” – Merel van den Nieuwenhof

Jeroen effortlessly and playfully moves between images that refer to contemporary pop culture and iconographic themes from seventeenth-century still lifes, abundant in symbolism. With humor and reference to imagery of ‘living’ toys from the animated film Toy Story, Jeroen brings a contemporary guise to these age-old subjects. This playfulness, spontaneity and love for painting characterize his work.

“Don’t add too many details but continue painting from a few stripes until the canvas starts to tell its own story. The pleasure of the paint shows itself in its simplicity.” – Jeroen Duijf

BIO / Jeroen Duif @jeroen_duijf was born in Blerick in 1988, now lives and works in ‘s-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands.