In their ongoing project, entitled “The Most Beautiful City in the World” (2014-2019) Matjaž Rušt & Robert Marin are persistently creating the visual diary of Ljubljana.
The title of the work stems from the promotional phrase of current Ljubljana mayor who denoted the capital as the most beautiful city in the world. On the contrary, the artists are not focused on the representative imagery of the city, but rather on the hidden spaces of everyday life. In a manner of street photography they document real situations and places, the ones that give the city its indelible character.
Despite the omnipresent humour the work does not express cynicism or sarcasm, neither towards the people depicted, nor towards the city itself, but rather only the state of affairs as they are.
About artists: Matjaž Rušt is a documentary photographer and Robert Marin is a crime reporter. They both live and work in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
For whole series go here.
Photography / Matjaž Rušt & Robert Marin