A freshly-baked SWARM Mag editorial to officially launch our third quarterly topic and to usher you into the age of RE:PURPOSE. Enjoy the accompanying text below by our Head Stylist Kateřina Hynková.

The editorial is inspired by the constant human need to look for something new, exciting, and stimulating. We are overwhelmed by information, false information, photos, and stories on Instagram, news on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms available to us 24/7, year-round.

On one hand, it makes our life way easier, however, on the other, our brains can only take so much without taking a break. The same way we greedily collect unnecessary amounts of clothing, products or trinkets, we carry this visual trash on our backs. Is it sustainable? How much ballast and for how much longer we will be able to carry?

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Art Director / Markéta Kosinová @__marketa__
Photography / František Svatoš & Jakub Delibalta (JAFR studio) @frantiseksvatos & @jakub_delibalta 
Styling / Kateřina Hynková @khynko
MUA / Diana Vitikačová @muadiana.v
Hair / Jan Chvojka @lostinthehair from @salonpetramechurova
Stylist Assistant / Michala Vítková @michala_vitkova
Hair Assistant / Jana Ludvíková @janaludvikova3
Studio / Máj 4.patro event space @maj4patro
Models / Šárka S. & Karolína I. from @crush.model
Text / Kateřina Hynková @khynko
Produced by SWARM MAG with love.

Tereza Rosalie Kladosova @terezarosaliekladosova 
Edward Ganoczy @ganoczy_eduard
JARDAPRAHA collective @jarda__praha @anna.rysankova @ninadvorak
@lauravachova @jaroslavvich
Dry Milk of Virgin Mary @drymilkofvirginmary 
Mikuláš Brukner @mikulasbrukner
Agáta Zapotilová @@agata_zapotilova
Tran Ngoc YEN @tny.3


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