In a future world under the lizard rule, humans are no longer around to bow down to them. In cooperation with the brand Křehký for the Křehký Mikulov festival, annually showcasing the finest Czech glass, porcelain and wood design, we've envisioned a fragrant and lush post-civilisation world where free-roaming agamas socialise around the prettiest remnants of human activity. Welcome to another Swarm Production creation – Tomorrow's Heirlooms.

Imagine your favourite mug, maybe it used to be your grandmother’s. Have you ever wondered about the history that led it to your morning tea? And have you thought about what the future might have in store for it once your paths diverge?

We present to you a blossoming utopian vision of overgrown landscapes, a lush and colourful future of design in green wetlands and flowering meadows where nature has taken over the world of humans too. All that remains are their resilient and feral pets – lizards. What they have left from the days of civilisation is a fondness for certain human artefacts, namely our favourite ceramic design products. They serve them as meeting places, shrines or magical landscapes for scaly rendezvous.

In this series of photographs, our collective imagination has taken us to an alternate future that exists (probably) only in our visions. Here we present the timeless ceramic and porcelain creations of young designers. They bring to the Czech brand Křehký a gust of fresh breeze, which we have complemented with the scent of freshly picked lilac and intoxicating lilies.

Welcome to a world of extraordinary hidden nooks and crannies, drowning in an explosion of colour and shape.

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Via ABOUT SWARM MAG – team 🙂


Creative Director / Markéta Kosinová

Set Design / Kateřina Hynková

Photographer / Ondřej Szollos

Photographer’s assistant, retouch / Tomáš Jakubec

Text / Markéta Kosinová, Františka Blažková

Translation / Františka Blažková

Graphic design / Zdeněk Růžička

Produced by SWARM MAG

Flowers / Kytky od Pepy

Agamas / Martin Šír,

Latex backdrop / Angel&Devil

Designers / Křehký

Organic vases / Tomáš Černý

Vases with landscape / Šárka Ištvánová

Mugs / Antonín Tomášek

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