WORDS BY THE AUTHOR / Chaotic Garden is a series of projects and research I am working on with Antoine Caecke, and which is presented in different parts, like chapters. Digital Species is one of these chapters. Digital Species is a “documentary” book, it is a gateway to a parallel universe, the Chaotic Garden. In this garden we find different species, small creatures, fairies, plant specimens, women merging with the garden and so on.
This series, which represents the female body in mutation, questions identity and femininity, and the relation of a woman to her body in parallel with the genetic as well as the numerical evolutions, and the way women adapt to these changes. The representation of the female is central in my work. Virtually all my projects evoke this subject.

The Chaotic Garden is an ecosystem, there are strange landscapes, misty digital memories. A large number of creatures still unknown co-inhabit it. It is a world in perpetual mutation.
I often work with Antoine Caecke. We are so close that sometimes our mutual universes merge; it was the case with Chaotic Garden or the Anvil video that we created in 2016. When we work on projects separately, it is an opportunity for us to experiment, to try new pictorial writings, to introduce new themes, new narrative topics. These experiments are then reinjected into our joint projects. The films I make with Antoine are a culmination of the research we do alone, each on our own.
We place our practice at the frontier of contemporary drawing and digital arts. I particularly appreciate digital tools because they allow you to imagine anything.

BIO by Hélène Jeudy/ I was born in Belgium, and after a difficult year at a Catholic college, I am starting my second year at an artistic school. I am 12 years old.
Antoine was 15 when he joined the same art school. We didn’t know each other then, but we had mutual friends. Who I am today is happy to know that, so early in my life, he was already near me. It was only at the age of 20, at the lighthouse, that he spoke to me for the first time.
He said to me “I am leaving the country because I have been accepted to a school in Lyon. I don’t want to bother you. But since I don’t see you often, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I have always found you very beautiful. I wanted to tell you so as not to regret that. I never did.” And he left the lighthouse.
Fortunately, a few weeks later, I found him and I have never left him since.
This is how Geriko and the hundreds of drawings, characters and stories that followed came into being.

Chaotic Garden
Video by Hélène Jeudy & Antoine Caecke
@helene_jeudy @antoinecaecke @gerikofilms
Sound by Rusbaci
Digital Species
FP&CF Edition