Following up on our last year’s Family Business editorial from Hotel Krystal, SWARM MAG today releases its accompanying video, IV. Along with our three previous clips it presents our visual identity, this time in the form of a peek at the usual workday of a secret occultist troupe of office workers at their 9-to-5, figuring out how to make a profit off a non-profit magazine.

The whole epic of SWARM MAG can be found in the ABOUT section on our website. Be sure to head over there to learn all about the amusing struggles and miracles that have happened on our journey so far.


Following up on our last year’s Family Business editorial.

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All about our magazine at SWARM MAG “About” section.


Directors / Filip Kopecký & Markéta Kosinová @filipkopeckyy & @__maarketa__

Video Edit / Filip Kopecký @filipkopeckyy

Music / Tomáš Kovařík @_tomasrybka

Mix & Mastering / Honza Vančík @honza_vancik

Concept / Kateřina Hynková & Markéta Koinová @khynko & @__maarketa__

Styling / Kateřina Hynková @khynko and Agáta Zapotilová @agata_zapotilova

MUA / Kateřina Šulcová @katesulcova and Natalia Karyagina @nkaryagina

Models / Františka Blažková @st.feral , Barbora Čápová @barekula, Kateřina Hynková @khynko , Markéta Kosinová @__maarketa__ , Tomáš Kovařík @_tomasrybka , Zdeněk Růžička @ruzicka.zde , Agáta Zapotilová @agata_zapotilova  

Production / SWARM Production @swarmproduction

Big thanks to Hotel Krystal Praha




Karolína Ulrichová @kari.ul 

Tomáš Višňovský @tomas_visnovsky 

Silvia Leitmannová @bydamson


Anežka Juhová @anezkajuhova

Antonie-lecher @lecherantonie

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