Original Czech poem accompanying the collection, translated to English on the right.
První kámen bílý
s mojí dlaní srůstá
jen si představuji ve tmě mnoho
tolik mi voní krev
White the first stone
growing into my palm
I can’t reach
just imagine many in the dark
blood smells oh so good
chci druhý kámen rudý
co mi zamkne ústa
a zpomalím
I want the second stone crimson
which will lock my lips
I won’t speak
I won’t bend
and will slow down
nechci třetí kámen černý
co mi v srdci zůstal
už vím, že moje bohatství je studené
lesklé a prastaré
I don’t want the third stone black
which stayed in my heart
I know now that my riches are cold
glossy and ancient
necítím, neumím
zvážila jsem bolest
potom jsem zvážila prázdnotu
chci ti všechno dát
ze dna posbírat
zpátky se nevrátím.
I can’t feel, I can’t do
I’ve weighed pain
then I’ve weighed emptiness
I want to give you all
picked from the seabed
I will dance
and won’t come back.
ABOUT BEAST OF THE EAST / Beast of the East is a joint project of Kateřina Plamitzerová and Alena Jakubová. Astral twins Alena and Kateřina met at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in autumn 2014. We create underwear and nightwear in small series. In addition to our product line, we make our own custom garments. We are in an endless process of seeking nourishing female archetypes, the attributes which we imprint carefully into each of our pieces. To support the one who wears it. “Women Running with Wolves” by Clarrisa Pinkola Estés brought us on this journey.
From the inside out and back in.
The discovered snippets of stories are narrated through inspirational collections. They echo in simple, everyday wear products. Our beloved piece is Panties – the guardians of the entrance. Our products are sewn in the Czech Republic, we choose the materials in local knitting shops.
Slowfood for the soul.
In our independent production, we like to work with recycling of the old. We also create costumes for various stage artists. The costume allows us to capture the archetype with high accuracy and fantastic freedom. That is why it is an indispensable part of our work, a balancing element.
Photo / @judita_s_hlavou_holoferna
Model / @_kristyna_vajnerova_
Styling / @beastoftheeastcz
Nails / @annamachova_nails
Translation / Františka Blažková