Are you caught up in working on something at the moment?
Yes, I am currently working on a comic project that will be called “Turbulento”. It is in process although quite advanced, and it will be a comic that will surprise. On my Instagram account (listed below), you can see a page as a preview.

Were you always focused on making illustrations?
In terms of illustration, the starting point happened fairly recently for me. Five years ago, I started to return to drawing and three years ago, I started studying illustration.

Is there something that connects all your works?
I try to tell a story with each illustration I make. I like to convey something and when you see the reaction of people who see your illustrations, it is really satisfying.
I always try to get a smile and that is why I almost always use humor – it is my indispensable tool.

Do you have sports in your background?
Yes, of course. If you look at my illustrations, the characters wear sportswear and have an athletic appearance. As a child, I was always doing sports with my friends, I loved to play soccer, and I think it is a great influence that can be observed in my work.

Is the ongoing situation (regarding the pandemic, politics, etc.) in your country reflected in your illustrations?
Yes. In fact, during this month, I have made many illustrations inspired by the COVID-19 virus, three months locked up at home gave me a lot of material.

What inspires you the most?
My main inspiration comes from curious situations that have happened to me or someone else. Another source of inspiration is music (trap, urban, etc.) hence my characters always appearch with that sporty, athleisure and urban touch. I also get inspired by seeing leading illustrators, watching movies, and coming up with ideas that can be very useful to illustrate.

BIO / Juan Vallecillos comes from Murcia, Spain. His first steps in the world of illustration were taken five years ago and two years later, he began his illustration studies at the School of Art in Murcia. In 2018, Juan focused on the fanzine world and comics, always with a touch of humor. Currently, he is working on a comic called “Turbulent”. He has participated in several exhibitions, one of the most prominent being the festival of book illustration called “Babakamo” in Valencia. Juan has also worked with a few media outlets such as El País (Retina) and is currently looking forward to many more new projects.
You can follow his work on Instagram @juan.vallecillos